
Welcome to Knotty Pines Craftworks. We are creating what inspires us, so you will find anything from lawn games to refurbished furniture.  Since we use what we have, our inventory is constantly changing.  Be sure to visit our shop to see our newest creations.

About Us

Although we haven’t quit our day jobs…yet, our hobby is turning into something more.  We have always had a love for wood crafting and home projects, so we started by creating lawn games such as cornhole and giant tumbling blocks and repurposing defective cabinet doors that we found at our day job.  We ran out of space at home, so we set up at display at our local craft festival and a few other pop-ups.  We are excited to add our website into the mix.

Phillip & Lacey Pines

Married over 20 years with three crafters in training: Jameson, Dominic, and Brooklyn.